
“My kids were a big factor of me going to the war. On the one hand, how can you leave your kids, if something happens to you who takes care of them?” Tim said. “That was a real important decision for me to make. I don’t just want to tell my kids what’s important, I want to show them,” Tim Kenney said.

Kenney joined the army at age 42 and volunteered for a combat tour in Afghanistan in 2010. Now age 45, he's working hard to reassemble his life back home in Montrose, CO.
Read more: American Homecomings: Tim Kenney | Denver Post Photos, Video

Check out: americanhomecomings.com the project website

At this point I blog so irregularly that I'm mostly doing this for myself. My plan from tonight on is to post each video I make and write at least one thing that I learned from the experience, something I can hopefully remember and improve upon in my next attempt.

Take away from this video: Even when shooting projects one must remember to shoot/think in sequences and to get details. Makes editing way easier.

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